Monday, July 7, 2014

Cell Anatomy Learning Resource

Between camps, Independence Day, and other summertime enjoyment, I'm all about staying up on school year content.  You might be thinking, sounds like a barrel o' fun, Thea.  While it may not be "fun," the cell is very dynamic.  The more you know, the more you're in awe.

On my quest for cell anatomy learning resources, I found a gem of a site named Ask a Biologist published by Arizona State University.

I was grateful to find crossword puzzles, flashcards, interactives, mp3 audios, and quizzes.  Importantly, it benefited my middle schooler to read explanations regarding the function of and relationship between cellular parts.  This site aides memory as well as understanding of content.  I sent an email of positive feedback, thanking for this resource.  Please, check it out.

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