Thursday, July 17, 2014

Circuits: Scribbling Machines

We are having hands-on fun with circuits as I move through a free online Tinkering Fundamentals course by Exploratorium.  The Scribbling Machine activity was a huge hit with Matthew and Malcolm!!

NGSS Science Standard: 4-PS3-4. Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.

School Grade Level: 3-5   
First, we taped a motor and battery onto the bottom of a recyclable container.  Next, we attached markers along its sides.
After connecting the wires to the battery, the scribbling machine gyrated about the floor.  Very cool!

To offset the motor and alter the pattern of markings, we stuck weight to the end of the motor, such as a rubber eraser block or a glue melt stick.  We tinkered around adding and taking away components and observing performance of the machine.  

Malcolm's all smiles, this is his favorite tinkering activity thus far!  

Update: I came across a similar activity on this website: www.Science  Here, you will find step by step instructions.

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